It is important to appreciate the fact that the concerns raised by the girl are genuinely from her thoughts about her sexuality as a whole. In such a scenario, it is of importance is the girl first understands the reason why she is doing this in the first place. This would make the conversation much easier since we’ll be conversing on a common front. The first thing I would tell her is to appreciate her sexuality as it is and make her understand the consequences that come with the actions she is about to take. Matters to do with sexuality are quite sensitive and involve a lot of kind thoughts before any actions are taken. In addition to that, I would tell her to seek to counsel since it is the best remedy for her case (Cielle, 2011).
The marketing tactics that have been employed by the surgeons tend to work in their case. However, there must be a thorough scrutiny of each marketing strategy and its effectiveness when it comes to this case. These marketing strategies are quite deceptive, something that the doctors have mastered. Many of their target markets are teenagers and the strategies employed to ensure that they capture the as much large audience as possible. Everyone wants to look sexy, and in this case, it would be easy for one to fall prey of the antics that are being employed by the doctors. Taglines such as “Invest in Yourself,” “Renewed Confidence,” “Restoring Function” and “Abnormal Experience” are marketing stunts that the doctors have comprehensively mastered (Cielle, 2011). They are likely to achieve their objective from the manner in which they have positioned themselves regardless of whether their services have adversities or not.

This is not the first time I am coming to female genital cosmetic surgery and designer vaginas. It is important to note that this surgery and trend has risen over the last few years and a keen researcher may not go without a new article talking about the same quite often. This may seem worrying, but it is the truth. The main reason why this trend is growing tremendously is based on the fact that many teenagers and women as a whole are not content with their current sexuality. Many would want to restore their sexualities to their previous state due to some reasons. One of them being peers pressure from peers and other individuals who have successfully engaged in the act. Research has shown that another reason why the trend is rising is the availability of these services. One no longer has to strain when in search of these services, a trend that is worrying (Kisler, 2013).
The advice I would give is for one to be content with their sexual anatomy. The first thing I would stress is based on the fact that one’s sexual anatomy must not be tampered with since it is normal to have that appearance and it doesn’t make one different. In addition to that, I would insist on seeking to counsel prior to making any decisions in relation to one’s sexual anatomy. Research has shown that many teenagers make ill-informed decisions due to lack of proper counselling and advice especially when it comes to matters to do with sexual anatomy (Kisler, 2013).
It is important to appreciate the fact that as much as these procedures may have some honesty in them, they are likely to be compromised considering the huge influx of medical practitioners marketing these services.

1. Cielle, A. (2011). The Perfect Vagina. Retrieved from https://youtu.be/uMJcGcBc2t8
2. Kisler, T. (2013). Am I normal? Challenging the Promotion of Femal Genital Cosmetic Surgery (1st Ed.). Kingstone: University of Rhode Island Press.

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