Responsibility to Further the Use of Evidence-Based Practice (EBP)
An organization’s culture must support Evidence-Based Practice. Notably, the effective assessment of a patient enhances EBP as it helps to identify clinical problems that require solutions. It is also important to ask the patient questions so as to determine his or her care preferences.
Health institutions should support EBP as it enhances the health outcomes of patients. As Harvey and Kitson (2015) explain, an organizational culture that supports the use of EBP ensures that the health practitioners care for patients using the recommended and effective methods. Health policies also enhance the use of EBP. A research study by Dalheim, Harthug, Nilsen, and Nortvedt (2012) found out that nurses often use health policies as a source of information. If evidence-based policies were embedded into health policies, these would further encourage EBP. Nurses would adhere to the prescribed guidelines and procedures for offering care. Policy can, therefore, serve as a tool to further encourage the use of EBP. The main barrier is limited information that may cause the health practitioner to use outdated care strategies.
Further, EBP can be improved through training of staff to inform them about emerging and effective care practices. As well, EBP can be improved through teamwork, which according to Schmidt and Brown (2012) encourages collaboration in the decision-making processes to improve health results. Scientific research also enhances EBP as it offers solutions to various health issues.
On another note, EBP is significant in healthcare as it promotes the recovery of patients. Through EBP nurses and other care professionals utilize scientifically proven medication to treat patients. Nurses can promote EBP by promoting the autonomy of the patients, especially in the selection of the most effective care strategies from different alternatives (Schmidt & Brown, 2012). To change practice, the nurses should adopt innovative strategies; for example, maintaining continuous communication with the patients using Information Technology (IT) platforms like social media and email.
Disseminating findings from EBP research is achieved through effective communication. The nurse leader should inform other caregivers and the patients about the new and effective care ideas; for example, innovative strategies for offering emergency care. Schmidt and Brown (2012) assert, and rightly so, that the nurse can also disseminate the findings through health reports in the work environment which are accessible to both health workers and patients.
As a nurse, I would disseminate EBP findings through the health institutions information systems. For instance, I would ensure that the institution’s website is always up to date with information on innovative care or treatment processes for various ailments. Likewise, I would also interact with patients and other caregivers through social media. Interacting with patients would be intended to inform them of the benefits of good self-care practices such as adhering to the prescription instructions. Interactions with other healthcare professionals would help to share ideas on the best care practices. Notably, as Harvey and Kitson (2015) elucidate, inter-professional collaboration in the health environment improves EBP as health workers from different disciplines share ideas on the best care strategy.
To conclude, nurses can enhance the utilization of EBP by personally implementing and also encouraging others to implement the recommendations made in medical studies. Medical studies are peer-reviewed and conducted by scholars who are experts in their fields. Thus, the recommendations made in these studies can be quite useful in enhancing the health results and outcomes of patients.
1. Dalheim, A., Harthug, S., Nilsen, R., & Nortvedt, M. (2012). Factors influencing the development of evidence-based practice among nurses: a self-report survey. BMC Health Services Research, 12(1). doi: 10.1186/1472-6963-12-367
2. Harvey, G., & Kitson, A. (2015). Implementing Evidence-Based Practice in Healthcare: A Facilitation Guide. New York, NY: Routledge.
3. Schmidt, N., & Brown, J. (2012). Evidence-Based Practice for Nurses: Appraisal and Application of Research (2nd ed.). Sudbury, MA: Jones & Bartlett Learning.
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