Trachoma Control
The relevance of the Three-time GDP per Capita indicator
The relevance of the Three-time GDP per Capita indicator is that it is useful in making comparisons that are meaningful across regions affected by the trachoma and are under the intervention programs (Baltussen, Sylla, Frick & Mariotti 2005, p. 96). They are also relevant in providing the average cost-effectiveness ratios used to calculate each intervention. Finally, the indicator is a measure that is used as a reference for cost-effectiveness if it is less than three times of the GDP per capita.
The most cost-effective intervention from the data in the table is trichiasis surgery that covers 80% of the population (Baltussen et al 2005, p. 97). Annually, it averts more than 11 million DALYs all over the world. Also, it is more cost-effective because it falls below the three times GDP per capita cost-effectiveness threshold. Therefore, trichiasis surgery intervention is the most cost-effective as it reaches more people, especially in the remote areas.

Question 3
The cost-effectiveness studies can be influential if at all the impact is seen on a large number of people at a relatively shorter time. The cost aspect should not cloud the effectiveness of an approach if at all the results are pleasing and long-lasting. The other influence can come when there are other neglected opportunities that the allocated resources could be used to avert the challenges faced by a particular population (Jamison, Breman & Measham 2006, p. 56).
Question 4: Method to consider for consulting with the community.
The best and most effective method to consider for consulting with the community is focus groups. They are less formal and are more comprehensive and involve all the community members. It is the best because the policy or changemakers can understand the most pressing needs of the community members deeply. Apart from getting the primary information from the community, the method enhances the community members to offer ideas and resources available to help alleviate the challenges that they are facing.
1. Baltussen,R M P M, Sylla,M , Frick ,KD & Mariotti,S P 2005, Cost-Effectiveness of Trachoma Control in Seven World Regions, Ophthalmic Epidemiology,12:2, 91-101, DOI: 10.1080/09286580590932761
2. Jamison, DT, Breman, J G, & Measham, AR 2006, Priorities in Health, Washington (DC): The International Bank for Reconstruction and Development / The World Bank; 2006. Chapter 3, Cost-Effectiveness Analysis. Retrieved 16 Mar 2018, from

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