Nursing Relationship and Care
A nurse is a primary caregiver. There is a need for the nurse to create a cordial relationship between her and the patient. When you know a patient as a caring person, who get to know her personal attributes and how you can leverage them to enhance the process of healing and to improve the quality of care. The individual nurses can be assigned to enter into nursing situations with the patients. There are certain conditions that require up-close care thus the nurse must create a relationship with the patient. However, the relationship must remain ethical and professional (Black, 2014). The role of the nurse in this situation is to create an impact in the life of the patient with the intention of promoting the healing process.
A nurse cannot enter into a relationship with a comatose patient. This is because the person has lost the responsiveness that would create the personal warmth between her and the nurse. However, the nurse can hang around to continue to provide care with the hope that the patient will come back to normality and probably then they can enter into a relationship. A nursing situation comes into being when the patient’s condition requires that nurse to watch over him closely (Lipscomb, 2015). The nurse will be so keen on any signs of progress and will act as the eyes and ears of the doctor because she will be able to observe the patient keenly.

Nursing as a caring theory is a call to the nurses to provide care that is characterized by the personal touch. The nurse is encouraged to develop and maintain functional relationships with the patients with the aim of enhancing the quality of care. The nurse can know the other is open to nursing by observing the favorable responses that he gives towards the nursing care and his response to the overture for a nursing relationship. The presence of a nurse is a response to the call to nursing. Being the primary caregiver, the nurse must always be available for the needs of the patients.
1. Black, B.P. (2014) Professional Nursing Concepts &Challenges, 8th ed. St Louis: MO Elsevier
2. Lipscomb, M. (2015). Exploring Evidence-based Practice: Debates and Challenges in Nursing. Routledge.

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