Planning in Health Care
This article highlights the strategic planning in the healthcare institutions. Planning in the healthcare industry is essential and essential for successful outcomes and profitability. Changes in the industry affect most sectors, for example, outpatient and inpatient facilities. Strategic planning in the healthcare industry makes experience settings for employees such as mobile ambulances, medical centers, and wellness centers. Research showed that most healthcare facilities are struggling with financial stability. Healthcare strategic planning could be applied to varying scenarios which include new developments services that are profitable. Benefits of health care facilities are finding out what went wrong and were able to commit to more extended hours and money to change and fix a situation. Developing new and large healthcare facilities without strategic planning could be a wrong idea. Healthcare data usage and plan is an ongoing process and challenging ones thinking is great because it could set a stage for a positive outcome.
In my perception healthcare strategic planning is essential because it creates awareness in the facilities and can take care of its employee’s wellbeing. It also helps in saving money so as not to go out of business. I also think that when embarking on the health care services one should do enough survey preferably from someone who is in the healthcare industry and succeeded. I find financial planning is vital in the healthcare industry.

In conclusion, most healthcare facilities lack being successful and also profitable because they require data usage and planning. We see that most people make the mistake of starting and developing large healthcare projects without doing enough research and planning which end with failure. Employee’s wellness should also be highly considered. Healthcare strategic planning also surrounds a spectrum of different activities and will address one’s place in the society.
1. Dr. Gunter G. Fuchs (2012) strategic planning in health care. Retrieved 25th January 2017. From strategic-planning-in-healthcare/
2. Obama, B. (2016). The United States health care reform: progress to date and next steps. Jama, 316(5), 525-532.
3. Issel, L. M., & Wells, R. (2017). Health program planning and evaluation. Jones & Bartlett Learning.

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