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Treatment essays

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Diabetes and Drug Treatments

Words · 1115
Pages · 6
Rating · 4.9/5
Introduction Diabetes is described as a chronic and metabolic illness that is deemed to be characterized by elevated levels of blood sugar or blood glucose (World Health Organization, 2017).  Relevant statistics about diabetes i...

Asthma: Initial Inspection, Diagnosis, Treatment

Words · 459
Pages · 2
Rating · 4.7/5
Chief Complaint Asthma is the chief complaint. The 15-year old girl has a history of allergies but her claims do not suggest presence of allergies.  People with allergies tend to have itchy eyes and skin, nasal congestion, sneez...

Pompe’s Disease

Words · 1351
Pages · 5
Rating · 4,8/5
Abstract Pompe disease is also known as Glycogen storage disease type II or GAA deficiency or Acid alpha-glucosidase deficiency. It is a disorder that damages the nerves cells and muscles throughout the body.  It is an autosomal...

Non Compliance of Inhaler Usage in Respect of Maintenance and Management of Asthma

Words · 4340
Pages · 14
Rating · 4.9/5
Introduction The identified suitable problem area that requires exploration according to my personal area of professional practice is management of asthma through the adoption of good inhaler adherence practice. Inhaled therapies...

Assignment: Asthma and Stepwise Management

Words · 917
Pages · 5
Rating · 4,7/5
Introduction Asthma is an inflammatory disease, characterised by the narrowing and swelling of the airways, as well as production of extra mucus, leading to difficulty in breathing, coughing, wheezing, and shortness of breath (Ar...

Zika Virus

Words · 726
Pages · 4
Rating · 4.9/5
Description of the Disease According to CDC (2018), Zika Virus refers to one of the viruses that belong to the Flavivirus class of viruses. The virus first identified in monkeys living in Uganda’s Zika Forest in 1947. The first...

HIV/AIDs as a Health Care Policy Issue in South Africa

Words · 2494
Pages · 10
Rating · 4.7/5
Introduction This paper examines HIV/AIDs in the Republic of South Africa as a healthcare policy issue. Historically, HIV/AIDs originated in Africa in 1920, particularly within the Democratic Republic of Congo where the HIV virus...

Study of Treatment of Parkinson’s Disease

Words · 638
Pages · 3
Rating · 4.9/5
Introduction Ruth Tamir, Ruth Dickstein and Moshe Huberman’s article addresses the use of motor imagery practice in the treatment of Parkinson’s disease (PD), which is a new intervention approach for improving motor function....