Response on PTSD
Thank you for sharing this great post on PTSD. I understand how this must have been very personal for you and your family. I am also happy to read that your husband who is a hero was able to get help with his PTSD. However, I would like you to explain the differential effects of PTSD on different individuals. Do you think that the symptoms of the disease manifest differently based on age, sex, race or socioeconomic status of individuals? When I watched the film Braveheart 1995, I noticed that the staring William Wallace was subjected to traumatic events which can be seen in his flashbacks and nightmares. However, I think that he was able to get help and regained his tender and welcoming self.
My second question concerns the possibility of PTSD recurring after an initial period of assistance. Still referring to the above film, there are indications that the traumatic experiences that Wallace went through as a child recurred in his adulthood. Are there specific timelines that it takes for PTSD to disappear permanently? What are some of the measures that one can take to ensure that the symptoms of PTSD do not recur after initial periods of treatment or psychiatric help? According to National Center for PTSD (2015), persons with PTSD can be aggressive, reckless, anxious and depressed. In Braveheart 1995, these symptoms can be seen in young William Wallace during the funeral of his father and brother. However, he seems normal in his adulthood until unprecedented sequence of events leading to the death of his wife. Could it then be argued that his subsequent recklessness is a result of PTSD linked to his childhood experiences? Thank you.

1. Gibson, M. (1995). Braveheart 1995, Film.
2. National Center for PTSD. (2015). Post-traumatic stress disorder awareness. National Center for PTSD. Retrieved from https://www.ptsd.va.gov/about/ptsd-awareness/working_together.asp

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