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surgery narrative essay

Surgical Integrity

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On daily basis, the healthcare service providers are required to make decisions. These decisions have direct impacts on the health as well as the safety of people. In healthcare provision to surgical patients, even minor errors are not allowed since they could lead to irreversible damages to the life of the patient. Additionally, out of a minor error, the healthcare provider can be sued or even lead to a tarnished reputation. This article is on the risks as well as unique concerns related to health care providers of surgical patients.

The first is the patient safety risk. A surgical patient life, as well as health, is at risk in the event of misdiagnosis, the occurrence of an accident at the theater or even when treatment prescribed is wrong. All the possibilities could happen in case of ignorance, laxity or even distraction which may lead to a lawsuit and reputation damage (Shojania, et al, 2001). Another is the documentation risk which takes the form of errors in data entry. Although at times it is hard to avoid the errors, they can be very costly. For example, an error made in the documentation of a patient identity to undergo a certain surgery may lead to very serious effects on the patients’ health may be due to the wrong operation. Additionally, errors in calculations may lead to the wrong bills hence translating to credibility issues.

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Information technology is also a unique concern in healthcare provision. The law like HIPAA requires that information about patients be kept confidential and should only be shared with the concerned people mostly with the consent of the owner. Since healthcare centers have adopted the use of technology for information management, it becomes a challenge. Technology is at times prone to tampering hence managing patient information is a challenge. Another unique issue is the regulations by many agencies whereby the health service providers are required to comply (Tsai, et al, 2015). Non -compliance leads to huge fines and penalties which is a unique concern related to health care service provision.

Conclusively, just like most workers in other working environments, there are risks and concern associated with the provision of healthcare services more so to surgical patients. However, these risks and concerns in the provision of healthcare services to surgical patients are in a way very unique mostly due to delicacy in handling issue to do with the life of human being.

1. Shojania, K. G., Duncan, B. W., McDonald, K. M., Wachter, R. M., & Markowitz, A. J. (2001). Making health care safer: a critical analysis of patient safety practices. Evid Rep Technol Assess (Summ), 43(1), 668.

2. Tsai, T. C., Orav, E. J., & Jha, A. K. (2015). Patient satisfaction and quality of surgical care in US hospitals. Annals of surgery, 261(1), 2.

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