The Three Factors That Allow Sexual Violence
The Body
In complex human situations like conflict and war, female refugees or displaced persons become vulnerable to sexual violence due to breakdown of family which is their normal safety net (Vu et al., 2014).
Perpetrators are often men in power like military personals against whom they cannot fight and win. At the same time, known male acquaintance/ family member, NGOs and other people from other humanitarian agencies who are in charge of their welfare could also become culprits of the rape and molestation.

Lack of adequate law enforcement and protective structure that could safeguard them from the perpetrators of violence.
Sexual violence has become a major public concern in America and Healthy People 2020 highlights resources that can help prevent the rising statistics of violence on vulnerable people in America (DHHS, 2013). Nursing interventions is observed to be a critical factor to curb rising cases of violence as they are the first responders to violence when the victims come for treatment (Thomas & Hurvitz 2014).
The three facilitating nursing actions are as follows:

- The nurses on home visits need to be trained on identifying females and children who are victim of sexual violence and report the case to the appropriate authority.
- Data regarding women and children who come for treatment in the hospital or care centers in emergency for assault must be documented. The details like place, household and time etc. should then be shared with social and regulatory agencies so that actions can be taken against the perpetrator immediately.
- Community should be regularly counseled by the nursing staff on the preventive measures of sexual violence and communicate government’s measures to help and safeguard the interests of the victims of assault.
1. Simon, T., Hurvitz, K. (January 31, 2014). Healthy People 2020 Objectives for Violence Prevention and the Role of Nursing. OJIN: The Online Journal of Issues in Nursing, 19(1), Manuscript 1.
2. U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. (2013). Healthy People 2020 topics and objectives A to Z. Retrieved from
3. Vu A, Adam A, Wirtz A, Pham K, Rubenstein L, et al. (Mar 18, 2014). The Prevalence of Sexual Violence among Female Refugees in Complex Humanitarian Emergencies: a Systematic Review and Meta Analysis. PLOS Currents Disasters. Edition 1. doi: 10.1371/currents.dis.835f10778fd80ae031aac12d3b533ca7

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